Will you Endorse Tom?
From house parties to door knocking, Tom has spent the last nine months traveling throughout the city speaking with residents about his vision for a Better Waltham.
No matter the location or the issue, Tom has worked hard to communicate his vision with you, the voter, and now, we are proud to say that support for Tom’s campaign has grown incredibly!
Over 1,200 households have Stanley yard signs and every day we continue to identify more and more supporters through phone calls and canvassing.
With just over two weeks to go, we want to demonstrate the volume and breathe of support behind Tom’s vision and to do so, we are compiling a list of Tom’s supporters.
Will you show your support for Tom by adding your name to his list of endorsers! Click here to add your name
We will be using the list online and through the mail to communicate with voters across the city. By adding your name to Tom’s list of endorsers, you will be helping Tom to show the strength behind his campaign. Please ask friends, neighbors, and family members to add their names, too! Click here to add your name