Rep. Stanley and Home Care Licensing Commission Submits Legislative Report

Boston, MA –  Rep. Tom Stanley, a member of the Home Care Licensing Commission, recently submitted a report with Commission members on establishing a state-wide home care licensing process. The Commission formed earlier this year to study and make recommendations to establish a statewide licensing process for Massachusetts home care agencies for the protection of consumers, home care agencies and home care professionals. The Commission met four times from June 2021 through September 2021.

The Commission studied current licensure, reporting and oversight requirements across the long-term care services industry and support systems and other relevant state agencies; home care agency licensure requirements in other states; processes for implementing a statewide home care agency licensure process; and current licensure processes in the health care industry in Massachusetts.

“Home care is an integral part of our state’s health care delivery system, and it was a great honor to work with my fellow Commission members to create, support and strengthen home care licensing legislation and policies that will ultimately allow older adults to live at home for as long as possible,” said Rep. Stanley.

Rep. Stanley and Senator Pat Jehlen, as co-chairs of the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, will soon introduce legislation based on the report’s recommendations. To read the full report, visit:

Commission members included Margret Cooke, General Counsel for the Department of Public Health, Elizabeth Chen, Secretary of Elder Affairs, Lauren Peters, Undersecretary of the Department of Public Health, MASSHEALTH Assistant Secretary Daniel Tsai, Sen. Patricia Jehlen, Home Care Aide Council Julie Watt Faqir, Patricia Kelleher, Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, Lisa Gurgone, MASS Home Care, Tim Foley, Massachusetts AFL-CIO, Lesley Nolan, Elara Caring and Danielle Lord, O’Connell Care at Home.

