Middlesex County leaders say ‘Enough’ to child sexual abuse

The movement to prevent child sexual abuse got a significant boost as county leaders from education, youth-serving organizations, law enforcement, municipalities, the faith community, private citizens and legislators came together to form the Middlesex County Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Partnership. This latest coalition joins the efforts of the Enough Abuse Campaign, a community mobilization and citizen education effort now operating […]

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Waltham reps help pass comprehensive gun violence legislation

Tom Stanley and John Lawn, Waltham’s state representatives, helped pass comprehensive gun violence legislation which, for the first time, authorizes a police chief to deny a firearm identification (FID) card if there is credible information that the applicant poses a public safety risk, authorizes licensed gun dealers to access criminal offender record information (CORI), and prohibits a convicted felon from […]

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House adopts Stanley amendment to help major job centers meet downtown parking needs

The House of Representatives adopted Rep. Stanley’s amendment to the Economic Development Bill which will help qualified municipalities address their downtown parking demands. Under the criteria, the City of Waltham would be eligible to receive up to $100,000 in grants for the study and implementation of a parking management plan. Traditionally, cities and towns seek to resolve parking issues by […]

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House Adopts Stanley Amendment to Restore $20 Million for UMASS Center for Urban Sustainability

The House of Representatives adopted Rep. Stanley and Rep. Lawn’s amendment to the Environmental Bond Bill to restore $20 million to the University of Massachusetts (UMASS) Center for Urban Sustainability in Waltham.  The funding was cut by the House during the legislative process but Rep. Stanley and Rep. Lawn filed the amendment to restore funding for this important program. The […]

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