Rep. Stanley Testifies in Support of Affordable Homes Act

Rep. Stanley voiced support for Section 103 within Governor Healy’s Affordable Homes Act, endorsing the establishment of a “Commission on Making Massachusetts an Age-Friendly State.” This proposed Commission, as outlined in the bill, is tasked with providing recommendations on policies, programs, and investments aimed at expanding the availability of affordable, supportive housing for senior citizens. Acknowledging the economic vulnerability of older adults in the Commonwealth, who contend not only with high housing costs but also face challenges accessing expensive home care services, the initiative seeks to address these issues comprehensively. By convening a diverse group of stakeholders, including local communities, anchor institutions, and public and private sector organizations, the Commission aims to propose robust strategies to enhance the age-friendliness of Massachusetts.

In Rep. Stanley’s role as House Chair of Elder Affairs, he hears from constituents about the lack of affordable housing options for older adults who need services but can no longer stay in their homes, can’t afford assisted living, and do not want to live in a nursing home. Addressing the Commonwealth’s housing crisis must include creating more affordable, service-enriched housing that meets the unique needs of older adults, and this Commission will help bring stakeholders together and recommend strategies on how to achieve this goal.