Waltham City Council


Waltham City Council Part One Request

1. Please identify each of the competitive electricity and natural gas contracts in effect since 2009 as well as the respective pricing provisions, start and termination dates. Which City official(s) reviewed and approved each of these contracts? Note: this refers only to the competitive supplier contracts and not the distribution rates by NSTAR or National Grid.

2. Since 2009, has the City’s competitive procurement of electricity and natural gas saved Waltham money relative to purchasing electricity from NSTAR (under Basic Supply) or gas from National Grid (under the Cost of Gas Adjustment)? Please provide specific figures, by year, comparing the competitive supply rates (per kWh and per therm) as well as total supply costs for the City’s competitive electricity and natural gas purchases versus purchases that could have otherwise been made under the otherwise applicable utility supply rates. Again, this does not refer to utility distribution rates.

3. What is the City of Waltham’s plan going forward regarding the procurement of electricity and natural gas? Who is involved in the decision making, review and approval process?

4. What is the current status of the City of Waltham’s Green Communities application? Please provide any documentation from the Massachusetts Green Communities Program indicating whether the City’s application in 2011 was denied, and if so, why?

5. Please provide the answers to the above questions to the City Council in the packet delivered to Councillor’s on Thursday, October 31st.

6. If this is not possible please inform the Council on October 31st when the information would be provided.